Infidelity Counseling Portland
Infidelity Counseling
One thing that can ruin the sacred bounds of a marriage to a loving relationship is discovering your partner has been unfaithful.
Infidelity destroys everything that a faithful partner believes in. Their world tumbles down around them, crumbling into a thousand pieces. It is difficult for a relationship to survive during an infidelity crisis.

For this reason, it helps to get professional infidelity counseling to recover from adultery. To start the recovery from infidelity, reach out to Couples Counseling of Portland today.
Infedityly counseling is one of many mental health services we offer.
"I met a woman at work and became infatuated with her. Our relationship was more of an emotional affair than a physical one. But I suffered from guilt and ended the relationship. In my case, I was lucky as she understood that I loved my wife. Yet, I needed to confess to my wife as well. This put a huge strain on our relationship. After long discussions we both went for infidelity counseling to see if our marriage could be saved. Again, I am very lucky as my wife has forgiven me, and we are working on our relationship."
- Danny Lewis (Portland)
How Does Committing Adultery Happen?
The reasons for adultery can start long before the actual infidelity takes place. When a relationship or marriage becomes empty without affection, the chance is greater for a person to seek love elsewhere. For this reason, communication in a relationship is essential. Most relationships and marriages are at risk of an affair taking place for the following reasons:
- There is no affection between couples.
- The lack of spark is gone leading to boredom.
- Couples get set in their ways and no longer try to make an effort or time for each other.
- Couples leave their problems unaddressed without resolving them.
Whether you live together as a couple or are married, any relationship needs nurturing to thrive. When you neglect each other's feelings, something else can take its place and cause havoc.
Get Counseling for Infidelity Today
An ideal situation for couples is nurturing their relationship before adultery occurs. Doing this avoids the pain to heartache associated with infidelity.
But if, in your case, it is too late and an affair takes place, infidelity counseling can help for many reasons.
- Affair counseling can help determine if you and a partner want to remain together and make your relationship work or move on with your lives.
- Infidelity therapy can put things into perspective to help identify the problems leading to the cause.
- Affair counseling can help the betrayed partner forgive the betrayer for building a trustworthy relationship again.
Many relationships face challenging times when an affair takes place. But with infidelity counseling, couples can come out stronger on the other side if that is what both partners want.
Working with a therapist can make the healing process more manageable. If you want to rebuild your relationship, pick up the phone and contact Couples Counseling of Portland today including Premarital counseling.